Wednesday, October 25, 2006

doha daily 10/25/06

I thought I would show you some of the views we get to see in and around Doha everyday : ) Most of these pictures are related to the upcoming Asian Games - it is hard to imagine Doha is going to be ready in just over 30 days, but let's say the glass is half-full : )
Here is the torch that sits to the outside of Khalifa stadium where opening and closing ceremonies will take place. It is scheduled to be lit (I believe) Nov. 25 - Thierry and I are going to ride our motorcycles with the Qatar chapter (40 bikes total for the event) from Al Khor as part of the torch bearing festivities (we have opted NOT to actually carry the torch however - can you imagine?)
A parking sign for Khalifa Stadium and Aquatic Complex. Oh, and a Mosque.

Here are the stadium and torch shown together.

Lucky us! This road happens to pass directly in front of our compound and although you cannot see the progress, it is milestones from where it was in July. Because of its location this street is getting ALOT of attention and will be the major thoroughfare to opening/closing ceremonies. You can see the torch in the distance on the right. They are almost finished putting up these HUGE industrial contemporary street lights. I imagine they are going to shine right into our bedrooms. We'll have to wait and see : )
A large shopping cart that is often used as a landmark point for the Hyatt Plaza (small shopping mall). It has been covered with a "Doha Asian Games" banner which includes a picture of the mascot "Orry," an animated Oryx - African antelope in which one of its species comes from Arabia. We'll see more banners here in just a bit.

Oh hey, here's another one. This banner represents judo and hangs on the side of the Ramada Hotel. It was probably one of the very first banners put into place.
Here is the "Rainbow roundabout," (all roundabouts have names associated with them that are characteristic of their surroundings, hence the stone rainbow that sits inside the center of this one) with metal and wood structures/walls that have been erected to display banners. One may also say they are there to distract one's attention from the desert-like conditions that lay just behind them.
Taking a little break from the banners, here is Tristan and my Starbuck's that is once again open at 630am with the end of Ramadan, whoohoo!
This waterpolo banner was taken the night of the Harley ride. Notice the use of up-lighting here. You can see another banner to the left.
This rowing banner also hangs on a metal/wood structure and is hiding most of the construction taking place on the "Pearl," the manmade island/city that will try and match Dubai's "Palm." The Ritz-Carlton is on the right and the building on the left is one of two "Lagoon Towers," a city-like highrise.
Finally, here is the Athlete's village that will be used as staff housing for the Hamad Hospital once the games are finished. There are different color banners wrapped around the tops of each building.
That is all for you. More to come! See you!

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