Sunday, June 24, 2007

doha daily 6/24/07

Hi everyone! Missing you! Let’s just get to it, shall we?! We’ve been and returned from the China/Great Wall Marathon trip – and what a whirlwind it was! Since the return from China until now, time was craawwwwwwling, but as you read this, Tristan and I are on a US-bound airplane, so I am not complaining. It is tough to leave Thierry though, as the mass exodus of expatriates has begun, and you can really feel it in the air…and traffic. Luckily, I’ve had my GREAT friend, Patti, and Tristan, HIS good friend Tessa to help make this time more bearable.

The weather has been averaging 43C (110F) with humidity already reaching close to 50%. The strangest phenomenon, however, occurs when you exit the swimming pool. Even in this extreme heat, you exit the pool, and with the breeze, you are cold. There are chillers that cool the water off, so after about an hour Tristan wants out.

workers cleaning the traffic signals in the heat of the day
There is a new drivers safety campaign around town that is supposed to help transform the chaotic drivers into angels. And ANGELS are what they will be if they continue to run red lights, slamming into law-abiding citizens innocently entering intersections as the traffic lights turn green. Here is a picture which I hope gives you an idea of how the campaigning occurs here – SIGNAGE! And LOTS OF IT! You can find these octagonal signs at every intersection in the city, most of which target the local population, as most of them include photos of Qataris.
As the Ministry (Governmental Office) has decided NOT to allow any kids over the age of 3 to attend Tristan’s current nursery, he has been accepted to the French School and will begin in September. Unlike the American School, the French School gives priority to one’s nationality in Doha.

Being that the UK population is so overwhelmingly evident here, I’ve taken on a new “old” version of the English language. A word like, “bin” for trash has entered my vocab. As well as pram (stroller), nappy (diaper), bits (private parts), bum, bathers (swimming suit – although I still can’t get into that one yet), brill! (as in “that’s brilliant”), fab! (same thing, that’s fab!), nackered (tired), tea (which in fact does NOT mean tea really, but an early dinner – I don’t use that one either, but if someone says it now, I'm good), pissed (actually means drunk), sacked (fired). It is like learning a new language really. Perhaps now we will start talking with an English accent…like Madonna.

Ok, see most of you VERY soon! Can’t wait!

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